
What is an Aku Ring?

The Aku Ring is used for massage, reflexology, hand therapy, and relaxation exercises. Gentle to touch, provides a good grip. The Aku Rings sink, making them a great aquatic addition.

Aku Ring Photo


Interested to buy one? Click here: Aku Ring in set of 4.


Airex Balance Pad Elite

Airex Balance Pad Elite

The Airex Balance Beam can be used for a wide variety of applications including rehabilitation, balance training and coordination. The destabilizing properties of the Airex Beams super-soft”” specialty foam is suitable for use in the restoration and training of motor skills and balance.


Benefits of Airex Balance Pad Elite

The Airex Balance Beam combines both exercise and balance skills to increase strength, stamina, differentiation and coordination. The Beam is wider at the base than the top of the beam. This design allows the user or clinician to use the wide base or flip over the beam to create even more destabilization characteristics.



  • balance training
  • coordination and reaction training
  • mobility training
  • standing stability training
  • functional retraining of lower extremity muscles
  • motor skill training
  • proprioceptive stabilization skills
  • toe/heel and toe-to-toe movement

Balance for Health

Our feet were made for walking. Sitting and standing for long periods of time means that feet are used too little, placing them under excessive stress. As a consequence, the interaction between postural and motor functions, inervation (increased flow of information) and blood circulation becomes disturbed. The optimization of these interactions forms the basis of all physical therapy and sports therapy-based rehabilitation programs.

The sensation of instability generated by the Airex. Balance products has a highly stimulation effect on the control functions of the brain. The receptors in the feet, joints and eyes become highly active in order to keep the body balanced. These effects facilitate the following therapeutic and training objectives, which also support and promote one another:

  • improved intermuscular and intramuscular coordination
  • Increased ability to respond
  • Reduced risk of injury and falling
  • Improved posture and motion sequences
  • Training everyday functions and sport-specific motion sequences while making increased demands on muscles
  • Elimination of functional muscle contractures
  • Dynamic and goal-oriented strength training
  • Recovery of physiological toe and foot functions
  • Improving venous return flow. 880g

You can purchase Airex Balance Pad Elite from this link: Airex Balance Pad Elite

Aku Ball

Aku Ball

Do you need a highly tactile ball? The AkuBall is perfect for those who wants a highly tactile ball, but who prefer a firmer texture than the Sensory Ball. See photo of Aku Ball below.

Aku Ball Photo

aku-ball-green-fitball-australia-150x150                              aku-ball-exercise-ball-150x150


Buy Aku Ball here: Buy AkuBall

Movin ‘Sit Ergonomic Seating / Cushion

What is Movin Sit?

The Movin ‘Sit is a wedge-shaped ergonomic cushion. It may be inflated a bit. The spine have a natural S-curve, which is usually flattened out when seated on normal chairs. or with habitual poor posture. The Movin’Sit tips the pelvis slightly, helping the spine maintain its right curve. Since the wedge is inflated, it is somehow unstable – just like the ball. So it gives almost any chair a number of the benefits of active or dynamic sitting. If you already have a good natural S-curve in your spine, the Disco Sit might be more ideal for you.

Movin Sit Photo


Movin’Sit Air Cushion is an inflatable, dynamic cushion that activates intrinsic trunk muscles to support the spine.

It is contoured to support the thighs and buttocks to maximize comfort and stability. It can also be used upright in any chair as a back support or on the floor

You may buy Movin ‘Sit from this link: Buy Movin Sit

Freeball Vinyl Play Balls for Massage & Therapy

What is a Freeball?

A freeball or Freeballs are small pliable vinyl balls. They can be used for body massage, pediatric therapy, finger dexterity, massaging scar tissue, and many more. Free balls are robust play balls in various sizes for multiple uses.

Freeballs Photo

Freeballs in blue, red, yellow, and green.


You can buy freeballs from this link: Freeball for Sale

Gymnic Arte Multi Coloured Fitballs at 300kg

Gymnic Arte Fitballs

Gymnic Arte Fitballs are product as the Fitballs but with unique colour pattern. The colors are added in the manufacturing process. The result is that every ball is unique. This is perfect for those who like something special beyond uniformity.

Gymnic Arte Fitballs Photo


You may but Gymnic Arte Fitball from this link: Buy Gymnic Arte

Pilates Softgym Ball / Overball Use & Benefits

Pilates Softgym Ball

Pilates Soft Gym Overball has been popular as a slow-motion ball Because of its soft cover and light weight. Pilates ball is ideal for Pilates, pelvic floor training, strengthening exercises, or even as a support cushion. Each Softgym Overball is delivered with an exercise brochure with 8 pages & a straw for inflation.

Pilates Softgym Ball Photo


You can buy pilates softgym ball here: Buy Pilates Ball

What is a Disc O Sit Cushion by Fitball Australia

What is a Disc O Sit or Disc\’O\’Sit

The Disc O Sit is a circular cushion that may be inflated slighlty, so it provides a sort of instability. Where a ball is somehow impractical, it may be useful. Like for example, such instance if someone needs to move from one place to another for their work. If OH&S officers don’t understand the balls’ use, or if the work environment is not suitable for a Fitball. The Disc\’O\’Sit may also be used to challenge someones balance exercising on a ball. By doing this, putting one or both feet on the Disc, the support is decreased and is made somehow unstable. By combining a Ball/Disc and adding a Medicine Ball, a wide range of exercises can be created which will challenge almost any level of fitness, even through to the elite sports person. This Ledraplastic equipment has great UV and chlorine tolerance. Hence the disc is good in the pool as a floatie. It can also be used for walking exercises, challenging balance, and for foot/ankle strengthening and mobility.

Disc O Sit or Disc\’O\’Sit Photo



You can buy Disc O sit from this link: Buy Disc O Sit Cushion

Physio-Roll / Physio Roll

What is a Physio-Roll / Physio roll?

The Physio Roll exercise ball has a unique shape to offer stability and varied treatment choices for clients who are more challenged.

The PhysioRoll is a critical tool in every therapy and fitness equipment / facility. It is made by GYMNIC. This PhysioRoll provides more stability through limiting of movement to forward and backward.

It has a unique design, which allows a therapist and a client to share the Physio Roll. Patients can sit in the center cradle for maximum comfort and support.

Physio Roll


Light weight. Weight tested to 600 lbs.

Physio-Roll / Physioroll Photo



You may buy physio roll from this link: Buy Physio Roll


Swiss Ball

Swiss Ball Exercises

Swiss ball, also known as an exercise ball, stability ball, or physioball, is a somewhat big bouncy ball you find at the gym that will help train different parts of your body.


Fit ball, Swiss balls

History of Swiss balls

The Swiss ball was developed in 1963 as a toy called Gymnastik, by Italian engineer Aquilino Cosani. From being a toy, it was later used in pediatric neurological rehabilitative programs developed by Dr. Elseth Kong and Mary Quinton in Europe. Soon, a Swiss physical therapist named Susan Klein used the ball for other medical and rehabilitative purposes, including posture and back rehabilitation. The term “Swiss ball” was developed when some American therapists who visited European clinics during the 1980s discovered about the ball’s use and utilized the same knowledge in North America. Later on, during the 1990s, the Swiss ball was also introduced in the athletic field and currently in the fitness programs.


The Swiss Ball | Theory, Basic Exercises and Clinical Application

Benefits of Swiss Balls

The advantages of Swiss balls cover the medical and rehabilitative, as well as fitness and wellness aspects. They include the following benefits:

  • In medical and physical therapy, Swiss balls are used to recuperate injuries in the back, hip, and knee.
  • In fitness, Swiss ball training helps develop core strength, balance, joint mobility, flexibility, righting reflexes, reaction time, and proprioception.
  • Swiss balls also help develop good posture as there is nothing you can lean on with the ball. This then leads to less or treated neck, shoulder, and back pain caused by improper posture.
  • It helps burn more calories when used as a chair.
  • For expectant moms, it helps posterior position babies switch to normal position, as well as significantly ease discomfort and risks during labor.
  • Swiss ball workout helps tone core muscles, including abdominal muscles.
  • Unlike other fitness and rehabilitative equipment, Swiss balls are less expensive yet fun, challenging, and effective to use.
  • Swiss balls are very versatile and can be used for different exercises, from standing, sitting, to even lying.
  • Swiss balls also come in different sizes to help you exercise more efficiently.

Choosing the right Swiss ball size

There are a variety of Swiss ball sizes to choose from. To pick the best Swiss ball size for you, make sure that your knees form a right angle when you sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. You may also refer to this list below based on your height:

  • Under 5’ tall = 55 cm
  • 5’-5’7” = 65 cm
  • 5’8”-6’2” = 75 cm
  • Over 6’2” = 85 cm

Swiss ball exercises

Here is a list of some exercises you can do with a Swiss ball to start training different parts of your body:

  • Swiss ball crunches. This exercise effectively tones your abdominal muscles. It involves sitting on your ball with feet flat on the floor; keeping a straight back with arms crossed on your chest; leaning back to tighten abdominal muscles; and returning to the starting position after holding for three deep breaths.
  • Swiss ball crunch-elevated legs. This type of crunch to work on your abs involves elevating legs by putting your calves on top of the ball with your back flat on the floor and your arms crossing your chest working your upper body up and down.
  • Triceps dip. Triceps dip with a Swiss ball can be done in two ways to tone and strengthen your triceps muscle on the back of your upper arm. You can use a bench to place your hands on and your calves and ankle resting on a Swiss ball or use a Swiss ball instead of a bench where you place your hands with fingers facing your back.
  • Squat and reach. This versatile Swiss ball exercise helps strengthen your abs, arms, and legs. All you need to do is hold the ball with arms reaching out straight, leveled to your face. Slowly squat down as you bring the ball to your left side just above your left foot. Hold for about three breaths and return to standing position. Do the same towards your left side.
  • Overhead ball squat. To strengthen your arms and legs, hold your exercise ball with your arms extended over your head and do a traditional squat. The added weight of the ball makes it an effective program to tone your arms and legs.
  • Swiss ball bridge. This exercise works your lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and inner thighs. Simply lie with your head and shoulders on the ball with your feet on the ground. Your knees should be over your ankles and your arms crossed. Slowly lift your hips without bending your back hold for three breaths then lower.
  • Push-ups. Give your traditional push-up a twist using a Swiss ball and work those shoulders, chest, arms, and abs. Lie facing down with the top part of your thigh over the ball. Align your wrists with your shoulders. Lower your chest as in a traditional push-up and straighten.
  • Plank. Rest your forearms on the ball and position the rest of your body as if doing push-ups. With your neck in line with your spine, keep the pose for about 45 seconds to keep your abs strong.
  • Birthing ball exercise. This method is used by expectant moms going through labor to help relieve spasms and discomfort of labor. Moms would be better off using birth balls, which are very similar to gym Swiss balls, except that they have non-slip finish. To do the exercise, simply sit on the ball upright and move your pelvis from side to front and back to front. You can also kneel down and lean on your Swiss ball, wrapping your arms around it and swing your pelvis from side to side.
  • Backbend stretch. Great for cooling-down, this exercise works on your shoulders, back, hips, and legs. Just lie down on the ball with your face up. Extend your arms overhead with your palms up, letting your fingers reach the floor. Bending your knees, start walking your feet out, then hold for three breaths, and walk your feet in.

Other Swiss ball exercises include ball jog, step-touch, and ski step, which are great cardio exercises. You can also do exercise ball jumping jacks, V-sit with ball, knee tucks, hand-off, hanging knee raise, and more Swiss ball exercises.

Caring and storing your Swiss ball

Proper Swiss ball storage and care will help keep your Swiss ball last a long time. When not in use, keep your Swiss ball in an area away from direct sunlight and where it’s neither too hot nor too cold. When using the Swiss ball, make sure your floor is flat. Make sure the area is free from small sharp objects, as well as heat sources, including fireplaces, that may damage your ball. Remove jewelries, especially rings that could puncture the ball. When cleaning the ball, avoid using abrasive cleaners that could scratch your ball. Instead, use only warm water, mild detergent, and soft cloth.

Swiss ball is a great versatile equipment worth investing at. You can even use one as a chair at home or in the office to work on your neck, shoulder, and back while you’re working.